Below you will find several advises for employees who are receiving strange offers of employment:
1. When you receive an offer from crewing company (especially if you are not on the list of this company ) via unknown phone numbers, you should enter the site of the crewing company and call the company, better to office phone numbers, to check information.
2. You should ask to connect you with the person who has made you an offer or ask if this person works for the company. If it is not possible to connect you with the person, you should clarify if he/she is not in the office now or doesn’t work for the company at all.
3. It is better to visit the office of the crewing company yourself and check availability of the license to perform employment intermediary services.
4. Contracts are signed in the company office only together with all proper documents: register journal, work acceptance certificate, service contract, protection of personal data documents, etc.
5. If you are persuaded to sign contract not in the company office, it is a sign that you are contacted by a crook.
6. Even if it is emergency case and immediate joining, you have to sign contract and have flight on weekend, you should still contact the office of the crewing company! On the site of the company, you will find mobile phone numbers for emergency calls.
7. When you send your documents via e-mail, you should state the topic of your e-mail and describe the list of documents. Also you should call to office and ask to confirm safe receipt of your message.
As a crook doesn’t need your documents, he can give you an existing e-mail of the crewing company, but your e-mail without clarifying topic and message can get to spam or just be left without attention. On the contrary, e-mail with the topic: Documents of the seafarer to prepare for joining your vessel and signing contract, will always be responded to.