First of all I would like to state that we are proud of all our seafarers, from Master to Steward. We appreciate the hard job you do and will do the utmost to support you in every respect!
And of course if you would like to become a part of our Family we only vote both hands for it! All you have to do is to fill the application form (LINK) and send it to us. We shall study it carefully and respond with proposals.
Nevertheless, like in every other family, there are rules to be followed.
We appreciate honesty and professionalism. All the information that you provide us with will be triple checked for authenticity. Same goes for your STCW documentation, your references and your sea service.
Our crews are multinational. We see no differences between nationalities of the seafarers as we strongly believe that all the seafarers share the same nationality and that is the one given to them by the Sea. But that also means that we are looking for tolerant and English speaking people and your knowledge of English will be most definitely checked.
Be honest and straightforward with us and we shall triple pay you back. We respect you and we do expect same respect from your side.
We can hardly grant all of you with jobs. But we shall most definitely do our best,
Denis Didushok
D&D Crewing Services