It would be safe to say that he has worked in one and the same company for the last 15 years and made it all the way to becoming one of the most professional Masters that we know. He is defiitely a part of our family and we are proud knowing him!

He is not only one of the best Novaship's 2nd Engineers with more than impressive experience and factual knowledge of every engine but also a drummer:) What a pleasant surprise for his neighbours!!!

It's hot outside and even hotter in the engine room. But he will never miss a good Christmas, even at sea!
Over 30 years of experience. 15 years as Chief Engineer. This fellow will never let his vessel down. Proud of having him in our Pool!

15 years as Chief. Constantly works for Novaship and may seem to be the nicest guy. But if you work under his command, you better stay of booze. He has one simple rule-boozers GO HOME.
Excellent seafarer and one heck of a guy!

The one in the middle is Mr. Ruslan Grozov , the legendary Novaship Chief Engineer. Now, see the way his staff stands straight? Not that they are afraid of their boss, but, you know…
Over 10 years of background as Chief Engineer. Work on all types of engines. Honesty and Professionalism.
Are we proud of Mr. Grozov? You bet!

Chief Engineer Rodinko Valeriy. Over 35 years at sea. Excellent specialist able to perform multiple tasks in any conditions. The seafarer managed bulk carriers, container vessels, Ro-Ro, tankers and off-shore fleet. He is reliable and honest and we are o-oh, so proud to know him!

2nd Engineer with over 20 years of experience at sea. Knows all types of engines including sophisticated RT-FLEX. Worked on bulk carriers, container vessels, huge oil tankers. Speaks fluent English.
Currently works for Novashipcarriers Group. Lives with his lovely wife and beautiful kid in Odessa, Ukraine.

He is young and
Talented and
Loyal and
He is the youngest Ukrainian 2E on board of Novaship and one of the best 2E’s in the company.
Behold! Mr. Pavel Polyakov!

Even after the working day is over-mr. Zlobenko is not playing around.
Behold The Dragon!
Currently working with our near and dear partner-Nova Marine.

Mr. Simakov is probably...well, definitely, the best cook of them all. Over 30 years in rank!!!